Empower Your Institution with OneOrigin's Revolutionary Technologies

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Leading the Way in Educational Transformation
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Great just isn’t good enough

We see being great at something as a starting point. We set ourselves goals that we know we can’t reach yet because we know that by stretching to meet them we can get further than we expected. Through innovation and iteration, we aim to take things that work well and improve upon them in unexpected ways.

Forward thinkers

'Forward thinkers' is the phrase that describes the best about us. We believe that progress is made through progressive thinking, progressive leadership, and progressive action. For that reason, we manage the brand to be highly esteemed and valued by our forward-thinking clients, employees, communities, and promoters.

Diversity and Inclusion

We believe that it is our higher purpose to create a world where everyone has equal rights, equal pay, equal access to education, and equal opportunities to succeed. We are working together with our entire community—customers, partners, employees, industry, and so on—to build a path forward that empowers true Diversity & Inclusion.

Headquartered in the vibrant city of Scottsdale, AZ, and with a significant global footprint, our mission is to empower educational institutions to embrace proactive technology shifts.

Empowering our customers

With a mission to understand and serve each industry to its capacity, empowering our customers to utilize the best technologies to increase productivity and efficiency.
about us - success

Trust is what we stand for

We aim to be a global leader in fostering technology-driven solutions towards solving critical business problems in each sector that we service through trust, innovation, responsibility, honesty, and competency. Focus and commitment towards customer success and employee satisfaction are the foundation of our mission.
AI in HigherEd

OneOrigin’s AI enhances learning with personalized paths, predictive analytics, and streamlined administration, delivering an efficient educational experience.

Dive into AIRR
XR for Learning

OneOrigin’s XR tech offers immersive labs, simulations, and cultural experiences, fostering hands-on learning and bridging real-virtual worlds.

Explore OneXperience
Custom Solutions

OneOrigin crafts custom solutions including SIS, LMS, apps, analytics, and alumni engagement to meet unique educational needs, promoting excellence.

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Our Clients

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Hear from our customers

The decision to go with Sia was an easy one as it is a template free and AI-driven solution that delivers speed, accuracy, and efficiency, making it an invaluable tool for handling transcript processing tasks.
- Daniel MacElveen

Invest in a partner, not a vendor

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