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Internal Hackathon

Our first internal Hackathon that we held last October turned out to be an unforgettable highlight people have been talking about for weeks later. Having all of our teams under one roof was an excellent opportunity to work on some cool ideas that have been drifting around.

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Introducing In-Site/Document/External Search

SpotSearch with its Insite/Document/External search feature aims at providing a unified, seamless user experience by going through the selected keyword across every page/document/site instantly when a search for a query is performed on a particular website.

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Introducing AI-Powered Real-Time Dashboards

Sia has an integrated Real-time Dashboard built on AI mechanisms, that processes the data collected from students through their queries/class history/course program/assignments/student performances towards a specific topic or course to track the student’s behavior to understand their interests, which eventually helps universities to track students performance against their goals & suggest courses as per their interests.

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Introducing Syllabus and Document Processing

Sia with an integrated Learning Management System has a unique ability to understand the relation between the students and their courses and guide them with relevant syllabus/course documents, along with key deadlines & events to interact with them instantly.

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